Tiktok star Ayesha Akram got harassed, Evidently on 14 August 2021 by his 400 fans. Those fans were invited by her. This incident was highlighted by the media and well-known personalities on a huge level. This news once again portrayed Pakistan as an unsafe country for women. This news even makes International media talk about women’s safety. Many famous personalities from Pakistan got involved to bring justice for that helpless lady.
There are so many turns and twists in the whole case till now. And all of them have been a top highlight everywhere. Every turn in Ayesha Ikram’s case became a topic of debate all over social media. Some of them blamed women and others blamed those 400 fans who came to meet her. The media gave unneeded hype to this incident.
But now it seems like this drama has been over. Because Ayesha Ikram got exposed by his partners. She portrayed all this drama to get fame, recognition, and money.
People who have been supporting her seem so frustrated right now. That lady not only played with the sentiments of the whole nation but defame the image of Pakistan in front of the whole world.