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Pakistan to Launch Multi-Mission Satellite PakSAT-MM-1 in Collaboration with China

Pakistan to Launch Multi-Mission Satellite PakSAT-MM-1 in Collaboration with China

Pakistan is poised to make a major leap in its space and communication technology with the launch of the multi-mission communication satellite PakSAT-MM-1 on May 30. This ambitious project is being enforced in an alliance with China, stressing the decisive partnership between the two nations in proffering technological frontiers.

The PakSAT-MM-1 will be projected from Chinaā€™s Xichang Satellite Launch Centre. This satellite is a mutual effort between Pakistanā€™s Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (Suparco) and the Chinese Aerospace Industry, glancing at the culmination of joint collaborative efforts and state-of-the-art research.

Devised to meet Pakistanā€™s communication and connectivity needs, PakSAT-MM-1 is furnished with advanced communication technologies. It is envisioned to play a major role in the socio-economic uplift of the country by inducting a worldly-wise communication network that will improve the telecom sector’s capabilities.

One of the primary objectives of PakSAT-MM-1 is to sustain Pakistanā€™s vision of evolving as a Digital Pakistan. The satellite’s avant-garde capabilities will manage the increasing demand for high-speed internet and seamless connectivity across the nation, fulfilling the needs of both urban and rural areas.

This launch heeds closely on the heels of Pakistanā€™s historic lunar mission, ICUBE-Q, which was projected on May 3 from Hainan, China, aboard Chinaā€™s Changā€™E6. The ICUBE-Q satellite, forged by the Electrical Engineering Department of the Institute of Space Technology (IST) in Islamabad, successfully captured and disseminated photographs from lunar orbit, sharing amazing perspectives of the moonā€™s surface.

Weighing about 7kg, the ICUBE-Q satellite celebrated Pakistanā€™s first expedition into lunar exploration, showing the country’s extending prowess in space technology.

These achievements including the forthcoming launch of PakSAT-MM-1, signify notable improvements in Pakistanā€™s space endeavours. They underline the nation’s dedication to leveraging space technology for nationwide development and the refinement of its communication infrastructure.

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