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Bella Hadid Threatens Legal Action, Adidas Apologizes Over Munich Olympics Campaign

Adidas Apologizes
Bella Hadid

Adidas Apologizes Amid Bella Hadid’s Legal Threats Over Controversial Campaign

German sportswear giant Adidas has found itself in hot water after pro-Palestinian American supermodel Bella Hadid threatened legal action over their controversial ad campaign. The campaign, which references the 1972 Munich Olympics, has drawn sharp criticism, prompting Adidas to issue a second public apology to Hadid and other involved parties.

Campaign Controversy

The recent Adidas campaign aimed to relaunch the SL72 sneakers, drawing inspiration from the 1972 Munich Olympics. However, the campaign inadvertently invoked memories of the Munich Massacre, where 11 Israeli athletes were killed, causing significant backlash from various communities, including pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups.

In a statement released on Sunday, Adidas acknowledged the unintended negative associations. “Connections continue to be made to the terrible tragedy that occurred at the Munich Olympics due to our recent SL72 campaign. These connections are not meant, and we apologize for any upset or distress caused to communities around the world,” the statement read.

Adidas Apologizes to Partners

Adidas also extended their apology to their partners, including Bella Hadid, rapper A$AP Nast, and footballer Jules Koundé. “We made an unintentional mistake. We also apologize to our partners, Bella Hadid, A$AP Nast, Jules Koundé, and others, for any negative impact on them, and we are revising the campaign,” the company further explained.

This apology follows reports that Bella Hadid is preparing to take legal action against Adidas. Hadid, who has been outspoken about her support for Palestinian rights, was deeply disturbed by the campaign. A source close to the model told a foreign outlet, “Bella is going to take legal action against Adidas for their lack of public accountability for putting out a campaign that would associate anyone with the death and violence of what took place at the 1972 Munich Games. Violence is not consistent with Bella’s views.”

Hadid’s Reaction

The source also mentioned Hadid’s disappointment with Adidas’s lack of historical sensitivity. “Hadid has expressed her disappointment with the company because they would reference the 1972 Olympics without recognizing the historical context beforehand,” the source added.

Bella Hadid’s reaction underscores the importance of understanding the historical and cultural contexts in which marketing campaigns are deployed. Her legal team is reportedly preparing to challenge Adidas, emphasizing the need for greater public accountability.

Previous Decisions

In response to the backlash, Adidas had already dropped Bella Hadid from the campaign last Friday. The decision came after photos of Hadid wearing the retro sneakers triggered outrage among pro-Israeli groups, who found the association with the 1972 Munich Olympics particularly insensitive.

The Path Forward

Adidas’s quick move to issue a second apology highlights their awareness of the severity of the situation. The company has pledged to revise the campaign to prevent further distress and address the concerns of Hadid and other stakeholders.

This incident serves as a potent reminder of the potential pitfalls brands face when handling sensitive historical events in their marketing efforts. It also highlights Bella Hadid’s influence and dedication to her principles, as she stands ready to confront even major corporations over issues she deeply cares about.

The unfolding scenario between Adidas and Bella Hadid exemplifies the delicate balance brands must maintain in today’s highly connected and culturally aware world. It underscores the importance of rigorous vetting processes and the need for companies to be deeply attuned to the historical and cultural significance of their marketing messages.