Tech Technology

Women Tech Quest 2023: Celebrating Women in Tech and Empowering Future Innovators

Women Tech Quest 2023: Celebrating Women in Tech and Empowering Future Innovators

Women Tech Quest (WTQ) 2023, organized by 10Pearls University, is set to be a remarkable platform for women to showcase their tech talents, network, and compete. The 7th edition of WTQ is scheduled to take place on June 17, 2023, in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, with tickets now available for purchase.

Since its launch in 2017, WTQ has been dedicated to empowering women in technology careers while providing them with opportunities to win cash prizes and gain exposure. The event features motivating speaker sessions and engaging workshops, where accomplished professional women share their experiences to inspire others.

Syeda Sana Hussain, Head of People & Programs EMEA at 10Pearls, expressed enthusiasm for the upcoming event, stating, “This will be our seventh consecutive year of successfully conducting Women Tech Quest. As strong proponents of gender diversity, WTQ is our flagship initiative to inspire, empower, and champion women in tech.”

The competition comprises three streams: Coding, Testing, and Design. Participants can register in either the Professional or Student category for each stream. Each city will have six winners, two from each competition stream, resulting in a total of 18 winners.

In addition to the competition, WTQ will feature invigorating keynote sessions by industry leaders, including Meighan Newhouse, Humna Raza, Sadia Khan, Meenah Tariq, Saba Kalsoom, and Zartaj Ahmed. The event will also include an interactive workshop on women’s health and wellness by Mahlaqa Shaukat, CEO and Co-Founder of AimFit.

WTQ 2023 has gained endorsements from leading companies in the technology and other industries, such as CaterpillHERs, Figma Community Lahore, GDG Kolachi, MLSA Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad, WomeninTechPK, Bytewise Ltd, Growelle Labs, and CodeGirls.

To participate in WTQ 2023, candidates can purchase tickets through the event’s website. Limited slots are available, so early registration is encouraged to compete, win exciting prizes, receive cool giveaways, and benefit from valuable exposure and networking opportunities.

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