In a groundbreaking achievement, the Chinese humanoid robot “STAR1,” developed by Robot Era, has become the fastest bipedal robot in the world, reaching a speed of over 8 miles per hour (12.8 kilometers per hour). The secret? A pair of sneakers that significantly improved its traction and stability during testing. This innovative approach highlights the intersection of advanced robotics and simple engineering solutions
Testing in Harsh Environments
The record-breaking feat occurred during a test in China’s Gobi Desert, where two identical STAR1 robots raced across diverse terrains, including grass, gravel, and pavement. While one robot was barefoot, the other donned sneakers, enabling it to maintain its top speed for an impressive 34 minutes. This demonstration underscores the potential for integrating everyday tools into cutting-edge robotic designs
Cutting-Edge Technology
STAR1’s remarkable performance is attributed to its advanced artificial intelligence, capable of performing 275 trillion operations per second—far surpassing the capabilities of high-end consumer devices. The robot’s 12 degrees of freedom allow for human-like agility, making it versatile for various applications. Its design sets a new standard in the field of humanoid robotics, outpacing previous record-holders like the Unitree H1, which reached 7.4 mph without achieving a true running motion
Implications for Robotics
This achievement not only demonstrates the possibilities of enhancing robot performance through simple yet effective modifications but also raises questions about the future of humanoid robots in everyday tasks and specialized fields. STAR1 joins a growing lineup of advanced robots, including Tesla’s Optimus and Boston Dynamics’ Atlas, pushing the boundaries of robotics innovation