OpenAI CEO Discusses AI with Indian PM Narendra Modi

OpenAI CEO Discusses AI with Indian PM Narendra Modi

During his visit to India, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, had a generative meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to consult the applications and future of artificial intelligence (AI) in the nation. Altman defined the meeting as “fantastic and enjoyable,” highlighting Modi’s zeal for AI technology and his insightful observance of its use cases and advantages.

The timing of the gathering aligns with the Indian government’s efforts to restrain AI through the Digital India Bill. Altman and Modi examined the chances and actions demanded for India in the AI domain, underlining the importance of global coordination in governing AI technology.

Altman has earlier supported for international collaboration to establish coordinated regulations for AI, mentioning potential risks bound with the technology. However, India’s Minister of State for Information Technology, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, voiced dissent regarding regulatory solutions presented by Altman, asserting that India has its own ideas and expertise in shaping AI regulations.

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