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Twitter Closes its Offices for a Week

Photo: Rolling Stone

Twitter closes its offices for employees until next week. Not much information has been shared about the reason behind it yet. The employees received a message saying that all office buildings will remain closed for a week.

Following the notification of temporarily closing the employees have also been requested to not share any confidential information about Twitter on the internet.

It is anticipated that the main reason behind closing offices is the protesting staff. The protests started after Elon gave them a choice to sign up for working long hours at high intensity or quit.

Though Twitter has not issued any official statement, it seems like the company is now forced to make some crucial decisions behind the doors. With many employees not willing to sign up to work for long hours and preferring to quit, the top management of Twitter must take some important decisions now.

A few days ago, Musk asked his employees to sign up for working log hours by Thursday or they will be given a three-month severance remuneration.

Recently, Twitter employees have started quitting their jobs as they do not agree to the new policies introduced by Elon Musk. Many employees have shared their feelings while using the hashtag #LoveWhereYouWorked.

A Twitter employee said, “I think when the dust clears today, there’s probably going to be less than 2,000 people left.”

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