Talent is highly prized around the world, and youthful talent is even more so. It’s incredible to be young and achieve significantly more than folks twice your age. Not everyone is meant to reach a certain level of fulfilment in their lives, but if you are ambitious and determined, you can attain your goals with hard work and devotion. Success is never easy, but it appears significantly more difficult and dangerous when you are young. When it comes to young people making a difference in society or introducing new ideas, the name of Subtain Zahid, a young man from Islamabad, Pakistan, must be mentioned. Being ambitious and beginning to work for your objectives at an early age might be a blessing in disguise,Despite this, many people only realise the worth of time after it has passed. Because they are afraid of the problems they will confront, most young people choose to daydream rather than move out of their comfort zone and work on their goals. Subtain Zahid, on the other hand, holds a different viewpoint. Once you’ve started down the road to success, he believes there’s no turning back. Falling and rising are natural parts of the process, and those who maintain their momentum are lucky. Subtain Zahid is a good example of this.

Who is Subtain Zahid?

Subtain Zahid is a 19-year-old young man. His born in 16th march,2003 in Sheikhupura Punjab.  He currently resides in Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital. He is now pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Economics at Bahria University Islamabad. His father works for the government. Since he was in fifth grade, he has wanted to become famous on social media. It was a significant risk, but it provided him the motivation he needed to work hard and try new things. He began blogging in 2019 and has over 200k Instagram followers (Subtain blogs). He also works as an influencer and content provider in addition to writing. He collaborated with a lot of Pakistani companies. He has also worked with global brands and campaigns. Finally, he got his big break when he became renowned on Instagram, Tiktok, and other social media platforms.

What does Subtain Zahid have to say about his success?

It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Subtain experienced his first taste of disappointment at a young age, owing to his early achievement. He tells us of a period when he was on the verge of losing a year. He was 33 percent burned by high voltage current in 2016, spent a month in the ICU, and had to redo grade 9 because he wasn’t prepared for the tests. He understands the value of time and believes that if he didn’t waste it, he would be more senior in the class in which he is currently enrolled. However, everything happens for a reason. If he does not lose his one year, he would never see his helpful and loving friends again. He stated that he had received backing from family and friends is a blessing.

Advice to young Creators.

Subtain learned by trial and error when he first started working in social media and had no one to look up to in Pakistan. But now that he’s settled into his niche, he’s ready to offer some advise to those who are just getting started with social media.

  • If you want to do something in life, you must be determined. There will be many challenges ahead, and you must be bold enough to tackle them all. Just keep in mind that the path to your dream is not easy. So, even if there are no immediate benefits, staying on task and working hard is crucial.
  • Creating a strong team while creating content. Trusting the proper people will take you a long way, and in order to do so, you must carefully select your team. That does not include everyone you know, but only those who are qualified, hardworking, and skilled in their respective industries.
  • Time management, time management is very important. If you say, “I can’t give time to this social media for content creation,” then you are a very lazy person in my opinion, because it is impossible to be busy 24/7. If you look around the world, you will notice that people who are always on top manage their time and work hard.

Follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/subtain_blogs/

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