There are many reasons to love winter but hair problems certainly do not make it to the list. From dry hair to matted ones, you just cannot style your hair perfectly without using these 3 solutions to the 3 most common winter hair problems.
Problem: Matted Hair
You often have to wear beanies and caps to protect your head from the cold winter breeze. What is next? Matted hair that looks as if it was never washed.
Always keep dry shampoo with yourself. Just apply a little bit on your hair after you take off any head covering and get a new and fresh look.

Source: Hairfinder
Problem: Dandruff
Almost all of us are guilty of hiding our dandruff, especially during winter. The continuous exposure of scalp to hot water dries up the surface and hence, dandruff starts to appear.
Do not use too hot water to wash your hair. If possible, wash your hair separately with cold water to lock in the moisture and shine for long.

Problem: Static Hair
Have you ever noticed how blown up your hair looks once you are done with combing them? Blame your regular comb or hairbrush for making your hair static.
Get a wooden comb that will keep your hair free of any charge and in their perfect shape.

Source: Purewow
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